School Shoes Handover at KwaMashu

School Shoes Handover at KwaMashu

There was joy on the faces of pupils and their teachers from three Primary Schools at KwaMashu, when JGZF Executive Chairperson, Ms. Dudu Myeni, together with Black Economic Foundation visited the schools to hand over new school shoes to Bhekilanga Primary and various other schools. The event took place on

The shoes were bought following the need from these no-fee schools in and around KwaMashu. Though these schools are in a township they service students who reside in informal settlements and who are vulnerable and needy.

Teachers from the three primary schools were requested to identify needy pupils, based, not on their academic performances, but by their circumstances.

The JGZF together with BEF felt that shoes or any school element should not be a barrier that a child must overcome in order to be able to achieve positive results.

It is the wish of the stakeholders that this drive would not be a once-off but the start of an initiative that would grow and benefit the entire KwaMashu community.