The Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities (DWCPD) donated boxes of sanitary towels to the Jacob Zuma Foundation (JZF) for distribution to rural school children. Impoverished young girls often miss school when they are menstruating due to a lack of funds to buy sanitary towels. Their monthly plight is often overlooked, which is why the DWCPD targeted this particular group of recipients. Along with the donation were booklets explaining puberty and menstruation, which were also handed out to the learners.
It was determined to give a minimum of 50 learners per school each a package of towels that should last them three months. To ensure the neediest children received the donation, the JZF sought advice and help from the Department of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC). As per the Department of Education’s mandate, each rural school has an OVC representative that provides updated reports on children in need. Their hands-on, grassroots experience and knowledge thus made the OVC an obvious choice when recipient schools had to be chosen. The OVC further assisted with the communication of the intended donation to each respective school’s Principal.
In all, the OVC identified a total of 12 rural schools in the Mtunzini, Eshowe and Lower Umfolozi districts. Prior to issuing the school girls with the packages, the Jacob Zuma Foundation’s representative spoke to the learners and explained who the donor is and what the aims of the donation are. All school Principals expressed their extreme gratitude and thanked everyone involved for the much-needed assistance, which they highly welcomed and appreciated.