The granting of 5 student scholarships in 2013, by the Chancellor of the AUN, His Excellency Atiku Abubukar, has resulted in an excellent partnership between the JZF and the AUN. In January 2013 the JGZF assisted these 5 students, 4 boys and 1 girl, to travel from their homes in South Africa to the University in Yola, Nigeria. Administered on the American calendar, the students travel home for the summer semester of 3 months from June to August and again for Christmas. The successful partnership between the JGZF and the AUN has seen the number of students increased to 10 for 2014. The new intake of 2014 students, also consisting of 4 boys and 1 girl, were taken under the wing of the 2013 students and have settled in very well.
The agreement with the between the JGZF and the AUN is to send 5 new students every year. The JGZF has started the process of selecting the 2015 candidates. The AUN have indicated that they would like to encourage the representation of female candidates, and further said that we should let them know if there are any potential students who may be supported with partial scholarship in future.