Focus Area

our focus area


The Patron himself is recognised and respected as an icon of development through education under the most trying circumstances. He established the Jacob Zuma RDP Educational Trust over a decade ago to help orphans and underprivileged children to attend school and higher learning institutions. The Jacob Zuma RDP Educational Trust over a decade ago to help orphans and underprivileged children to attend school and higher learning institutions’. The Jacob Zuma RDP Educational Trust has since been the first beneficiary of the JZF, because of its cause.

our focus area


During his 10 years on Robben Island, Jacob Zuma played soccer and was Captain of his team. Jacob Zuma then went on to establish Msholozi Tournament, out of his own pocket, with the aim of promoting and accentuating the use of sport in order to achieve peace, social cohesion and youth development, especially in rural settings. This sport development initiative has grown into 52 teams.

“Through sport, you can keep youngsters disciplined.” Jacob Zuma

Most participants come from deep rural hinterlands, where there are no recreational facilities.

“We hope to develop talent for possible national players, support those that already exhibit talent and ultimately build Sports Academies in rural areas.” Jacob Zuma
our focus area


My Shelter was developed in order to respond to immediate and acute cases of housing needs identified in rural communities. This service by JZF does not undermine the set government housing provision processes. However, based on individual cases presented, it seeks to provide immediate housing redress to emergency cases, like those brought about by undeclared natural disasters and any other cause. Certain processes are followed to verify needs presented to the Foundation.

our focus area


These are solution responses to a plethora of livelihood challenges that personally get presented to the Patron for his urgent attention. In these cases, the needy person would have tried all avenues for help without resolution, hence they approach the Patron. The Patron is renowned for h is benevolence and for availing himself, sparing time to listen to peoples desperations. Extreme medical requirements are one of the many things that fall under this category.

our focus area


Since its inception, the JZF has recorded successes and achievements, linked to its mission, that includes the following:

  • Building houses for orphaned children and the marginalised people, following the verification of each applicants case
  • Msholozi Soccer Initiative, an annual event providing promising soccer players in rural areas, an opportunity to showcase their talent
  • As its primary beneficiary, the JZF has assisted the JZ RDP Educational Trust, to afford primary, secondary and tertiary education for many young people
  • Assisted and nurtured Widowed Women of South Africa (WOSA), an organisation that provides livelihood and support for impoverished widows and families.

“Some of the challenges are brought about by natural disasters that, at times destroy houses and the people.” Jacob Zuma